List to Uninstall users — they are the best QA.The app uninstall rate varies across platforms, but it is generally estimated that around 25% of users will uninstall an app within the…Apr 19, 2023Apr 19, 2023
Omnichannel Personalization— MUST!Omnichannel personalized communication is a powerful marketing strategy that involves engaging with customers across multiple channels…Apr 19, 2023Apr 19, 2023
Common Push notification errors and solutions!Push notifications are a powerful tool for engaging with your audience, but they can sometimes encounter errors. Here are some common push…Apr 19, 2023Apr 19, 2023
What are the drawbacks of mobile measurement platforms like Branch IO, Firebase, etc.,Mobile measurement platforms like Branch IO and Firebase offer a wide range of features to track user behavior and measure the performance…Apr 19, 2023Apr 19, 2023
Ethical AI by ChatGPT ;)Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we live and work, with its potential to transform industries and…Apr 19, 2023Apr 19, 2023